about me.
Honoring the body.
I recall a time I prayed to the divine and told him that I couldn’t pray to him because he was male. But goddess is such a clever being that instead of getting mad, about 10 years later, in 2018, she/he sent me 7 beautiful female teachers that taught different modalities and practices all through the world wide web and introduced me to DIVINE MOTHER. I cried so hard when I realized there was a divine mother, how could no one have told me about her? I was raised under traditional religion and mother Mary was a strong divine feminine figure but she was never taught to me the way she could have been taught to me. I have been learning under many other lineages including galactic, and believe that all groups are saying the same thing just in different ways. So I’m so grateful for my NOW moment and all the beautiful learnings that have brought me to Body.Temple.Dance, which was taught to me by a soul sister from the Tantric lineage. I believe the body is home. And in order to live in a clear, safe home, you need to work deeply with the body. Words and stories can clear your mind, but movement will help your body. So let’s dance deep.
Violet Rose (my gifted cosmic name)
RYT200 Yoga Certified, Reiki Certified, Somatic Movement Certified, Magdalene Rose Priestess, Tantra & Galactic Lineages, Meditation Initiate & Certified